Soap Bubble (Imagine 2.0 and higher)

    R 250    10      192      255
    G 215    10      162      245
    B 225    10      133      238

    Dithering     Hardness    Roughness  Shiniess  Index of refraction
        0        245 (Or less)     0         0            1.08

Then Add a Pastella Texture with the following data in each column:

    102.333374   100.00
      0.0          0.0
    255.0        255
      0.0        180
    100.0         80
      0.0        110
    255.0          0.0
    100.0          0.0

Now, try render it, and remember to put a object behind, and try to make several copies, and make a complete bubble bath!

Last Update: July 13, 1995
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