This uses 2 te xtures, one for a main color variation, and the other for the bump/roughness. This is very effective for creating stone surfaces. Try these settings on a primitive plane.
Object Attribs R G B Value Color = 136 118 128 Specular = 153 134 132 Dithering = 255 Phong = On All others at 0. Texture 1: fractalcolor Texture 2: bump Parameter Value Parameter Value Initial Scale 15 Initial Scale 5 # of scales 5 # of scales 4 Scale Ratio 0.4 Scale Ratio 0.5 Amplitude Ratio 0.4 Amplitude Ratio 0.5 Time Ratio 0.4 Alt. Adjust 3 Time 0 Fade 0..1 0 Base->1 Trans 0.3 Axis placement left at default 1->2 Trans 0.6 Color 1 End 1 Color 1 Red 70 Color 1 Green 60 Color 1 Blue 60 Color 2 Red 255 Color 2 Green 240 Color 2 Blue 240 Fade 0..1 0 Axis placement left at default
When rendered an off gray stone will be created. Great for caverns, dungeons and so on. Just slap it onto the walls or columns to give it good-ol' natural look.