Veined Marble (Essence)

The veinedmarble texture is used twice, once for large, widely spaced veins. The second use is for finer, closely spaced veins.

For veined green marble set the object color to 40,80,40 for Red Green and Blue respectively. The texture veins are a gray-green color.

  Text#1   Text#2    Parameter        Text#1   Text#2    Parameter

  800.0    300.0    Initial Scale       4.0      5.0      Turbidity
    7.0      7.0    # of Scales         0.9      0.98     Color Level
    0.4      0.4    Scale Ratio       120.0    120.0      Color Red
    0.6      0.6    Amp Ratio         150.0    150.0      Color Green
    0.4      0.4    Time Ratio        120.0    120.0      Color Blue
    0.0      0.0    Time                0.0      0.0      Fade 0..1
    1.0      1.0    Sharpness           0.0      0.0
   20.0     10.0    Vein Spacing        0.0      0.0

Rotate the second texture 45 degrees around the X and Y axes with respect to the first texture. You may want to rotate the first texture as well.

Last Update: July 13, 1995
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