Fun with Fuzz texture

By G. de Beaumont (Imagine 2.9 and higher)

The "Fuzz" texture appears to be ANOTHER one of those undocumented Imagine features. Anyway, I've done some experimentation with the "Fuzz" texture, here's what I know.

Fuzz - Basic features:

It's a "Space Filling" (Impulse terminology) noise type texture. That is, the texture changes along all three axis.

In its most basic form (equal X, Y, Z sizes and low magnitude and velocity noise values), it produces fuzzy globules (approximately spherical masses).

Space between the fuzzy globules shows underlying textures and attributes on the object.

The texture axis orientation (relative to the object) is not particularly important.

Fuzz - parameters:

X, Y, and Z sizes:
determines size of the fuzzy globules;
Noise 1 & 2 mag/vel:
determines how disturbed the fuzzy globules become (functions similar to other Imagine noise type textures);
determines the number of fuzzy globules;
Fuzz clip:
appears to affect the spacing of the fuzzy globules;
Fuzz R, G, B color:
determines the color of the fuzzy globules;
Fil./Refl. adjust:
sets the filter and reflect attributes of the fuzzy globules;

Fuzz - General observations:

Increasing the clip value (0.9 - 1.0) can result in overlapping globules with unpredictable results.

Decreasing the clip value to 0 results in zero globules.

The default parameter values produce a nice "TV Static" appearance.

Higher magnitude/velocity values result in a wispy smoke type of appearance (see sample parameter values below) similar to that achieved using the CLRNOIZ texture.

Intermediate magnitude values, low velocity values and repetitively applying the texture can produce a scattered cumulus cloud pattern with the appearance of depth (see below).

Wispy Smoke (a la fuzz):

Column One     Two
      ____    ____
      30       0.4
      30     100
     100     100
       0.6   100
       2.8     0
       5.8     0
       0.3     0
       0.7     0

Scattered Cumulus Clouds (a la fuzz):