List of common Index of Refractions
(and not so common too!)
(All items except Vacuum are in alphabetical order)
(STP = Standard Temperature and Pressure)
Vacuum ...................... 1.00000 (exactly)
Air (STP).................... 1.00029
Acetone ..................... 1.36
Alcohol ..................... 1.329
Amorphous Selenium .......... 2.92
Calspar1 .................... 1.66
Calspar2 .................... 1.486
Carbon Disulfide ............ 1.63
Chromium Oxide .............. 2.705
Copper Oxide ................ 2.705
Crown Glass ................. 1.52
Crystal ..................... 2.00
Diamond ..................... 2.417
Emerald ..................... 1.57
Ethyl Alcohol ............... 1.36
Flourite .................... 1.434
Fused Quartz ................ 1.46
Heaviest Flint Glass ........ 1.89
Heavy Flint Glass ........... 1.65
Glass ....................... 1.5
Ice ......................... 1.309
Iodine Crystal .............. 3.34
Lapis Lazuli ................ 1.61
Light Flint Glass ........... 1.575
Liquid Carbon Dioxide ....... 1.20
Polystyrene ................. 1.55
Quartz 1 .................... 1.644
Quartz 2 .................... 1.553
Ruby ........................ 1.77
Sapphire .................... 1.77
Sodium Chloride (Salt) 1 .... 1.544
Sodium Chloride (Salt) 2 .... 1.644
Sugar Solution (30%) ........ 1.38
Sugar Solution (80%) ........ 1.49
Topaz ....................... 1.61
Water (20 C) ................ 1.333
Zinc Crown Glass ............ 1.517
Last Update: July 13, 1995
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