* Subject: Re: settings for color, reflectivity, filter, & realistic objects * Date: Mon, 7 Dec 92 10:02:59 CST [30] * From: tes@gothamcity.jsc.nasa.gov (Thomas E. Smith [LORAL])Back to Ian Smith's HomePageVISHART@ubvmsb.cc.buffalo.edu writes: > you design an old, unpolished wooden table top with the COLOR set > as follows : > COLOR > red - 100 > green - 52 > blue - 30 > > ... all the FILTER settings should be zero. > If you follow the above guidelines, however, > you will calculate that the REFRACTION must be set > to exactly the same values as the COLOR settings. > For example , in the case of the old wooden table top, > the calculated settings would be : > REFRACTION > red - 100 > green - 52 > blue - 30
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