* Subject: FREEZE, RELEASE, CONSTRAIN * Date: Tue, 3 May 94 17:49:24 -0700 [50] * From: etotman@gort.ucsd.edu (Ed Totman)As GreG already posted, these options in the states menu work fine for creating linked, jointed object movement such as a robot arm. You don^t need faces or points to try it out. Do this:
Detail editor - front view
1. create an axis 2. copy and move +Z <up the screen) 3. do 2. again so that you have 3 axes in a line 4. select the bottom two axes, group them 5. select the top two axes, group them 6. states menu, select CONSTRAIN 7. mode menu, select PICK OBJECTS 8. pick the top axis, press m for move 9. HAVE FUN! try out the different freeze options, play with itIf you grouped the axes as I listed, then the top axis is the parent and nothing will happen if you try to move it. So move the middle or bottom axis instead.
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