* Subject: Shadow Object attributes * Date: Mon, 18 Jan 93 16:37:14 -0500 [31] * From: mbc@po.cwru.edu (Michael B. Comet)I have recieved a couple of requests for this so here are the attributes for a "shadow" object:
COLOR: R,G,B = 5,5,5 REFLECT: R,G,B= 0,0,0 FILTER: R,G,B = 210,210,210 SPECULAR: R,G,B= 0,0,0 DITHERING=255 HARDNESS=0 ROUGHNESS=0 SHININESS=0 PHONG = ON (probably doesn't matter)Now make you normal object, and then make a simple flat object which would look like the shadow and place it in the proper location. (Ie: on the floor, wall, and parts of the object itself)
You can add a texture (linear say...etc...) and set it to have the same texture color, but to have a higher filter...ie:255,255,255 thus the part that becomes textured will fade into nothing and will have the effect of a shadow with fuzzy edges. If you want a darker shadow set teh above filter settings lower.
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