* Subject: Glass * Date: Wed, 13 Feb 91 16:05:09 EST [1] * From: spworley@ATHENA.MIT.EDUAlso, glass has a SLIGHT bluish tinge, so I use RGB=250,250,255. Cherry Jello might be 240, 140, 140.
Glass is a real light reflector - It has very bright, tight highlights. I crank specular up to 255,255,255, and hardness up to 255.
The color that you set glass determines the shade Imagine will give to non-perfect glass - ie glass without transparency set at 255 255 255.
Black ( 0 0 0 ) works well, since then the color doesn't cover up the image. You can experiment, though.
One last important attribute of glass is reflection. Glass reflects light a little bit, so should be slightly reflective. Too reflective, and the transmitted image gets overpowered. Think of a window- you see though it quite clearly without seeing much reflection. At night, when there is little light coming though, you can see the mirror-like qualities of the glass. Transparency should almost always dominate. Good value for reflection are in the range 30-60, and again, I use a SLIGHT blue tint.
Steve's cool transparent ball-
Color =0 0 0 Transp= 250 250 255 Reflec= 49 49 53 Specular= 150 150 150 hardness= 255 255 255 rough=0 shininess=0 (CRITICAL) Index=1.08-> Return to Alphabet <-