* Subject: EYES THAT FOLLOW * Date: Sun, 05 Jun 94 01:11:31 -0300 [51] * From: greg.tsadilas@hofbbs.comApply the FAKELY texture to the eye, have it affect COLOR only. Set transition T to .8, set the back color to -1,, (objects color), set the front color to 0,0,255 (The Iris color).
Apply the FAKELY texture to the eye again, have it affect COLOR only. Set the transition T to .95, set the back color to -1,, (objects color), set the front color to 0,0,0 (The pupil color).
Voila! Instant eye that will follow and point to the camera without the need to manually reposition the eye. Try this on a default sphere. Render it from different angles....the eye follows...OOOoooohh! Scary, eh keedz?
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