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   * Subject: Candle
   * Date: Thu, 09 Feb 95 01:17:00 +0100 [59]
   * From: (TORGEIR HOLM)

[CJO's candle flame question]

I made an animation of a candle a while back, which came out pretty nice.

Take your basic candle-flame ellipsoid shape and add the following attributes:

        Fog Length: 0.10

Texture: Ghost

Fog length at T: 400 T: 0.8

Texture: FogTop

Fog length at T: 200 T: 0.5 Noise Magnitude: 0

Place the axis so that the origin is in the tip of the flame, and the bottom of the bounding box is 2/3 towards the bottom of the flame. With the Z axis pointing up.

Texture: Fireball

Color1: 255,255,100 Color2: 200,030,000 Noise: 0 Reflect&Filter 1&2: 0

Place the axis so that the origin is in the bottom of the flame, and the end of the Y axis is in the tip.

BTW: my object was about 60 units wide, and 150 units tall.

You can now add a child axis in the middle of your flame, and make it a lightsource.

To animate this, make sure the Y axis points upward (Do this before adding textures, as their placement is relative to the axis), and move the the object up along a wavy path with conform to path. Then move the path back dovn a mirror copy of itself, so that the flame stays in the same position. Makes a really nice and realistic candle- flame

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