* Subject: Soap 2.nd time. * Date: 05 Jan 94 17:05:22 GMT [46] * From: izi@scala.ping.dk (Soren Wind)After i've got a few requests on the attributes for my Soap Bouble, here it is... :
Make a Sphere.... "no matter what size but lets make it 50 :D"
COLOR REFLECT FILTER SPECULAR R 250 10 192 255 G 215 10 162 245 B 225 10 133 238 Dithering Hardness Roughness Shiniess Index of refraction 0 245 (Or less) 0 0 1.08Then Add a Pastella Texture. With the following datas.
102.333374 100.00 0.0 0.0 255.0 255 0.0 180 100.0 80 0.0 110 255.0 0.0 100.0 0.0Now, try render it, and remember to put a object behind, and try to make several copies, and make a complet BoubleBath :D
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