* Subject: My bones trouble * Date: Fri, 13 May 1994 16:19:34 -0700 [50] * From: Lesk@cc.snow.edu (Lesk)ok I am going to be as consistant as I can and for menu items I will put it in the form of menu->selection->selection1 and for requesters that ask for input I will just say what needs to go in.
Detail editor: add->primitive->tube Radius = 30 Height = 300 circ sec = 12 vitr sec = 3 close both bottom and top. I like to work in the front view of the four. ...... |||||| top section note that when I refer to a ...... section that means the points |||||| mid section above and below are selected ...... |||||| base section ...... for example the top section is ...... |||||| ...... <- these pointsused
twice once fortop
and once for mid f1 select tube mode->pickfaces mode->method->drag box shift select top section (points above and below) function->make->makesubgroup enter tip1 deselect faces shift select mid section (all points above and below mid faces) function->make->makesubgroup enter mid1 deselect faces shift select base section function->make->makesubgroup enter base1 deselect faces shift select top and mid section function->make->makesubgroup enter midall deslect faces shift select top, mid, and base function->make->makesubgroup enter baseall deselect faces If you think about this for a minute it will all make sense especiallyconcerning how this thing is going to bend.
OK next phase.
mode->pick groups (and go back to pick method points) object->add->axis select tha axis select move move axis to center of tip1 (top section) deslect axis object->add->axis select axis select move move axis to center of mid1 (mid section) deselect axis object->add->axis select axis select move move axis to center of base1 (mid section) deselect axis Now comes the tricky part the order here is very important and you may haveto try this a few times until it works just right.
use the find requester and choose the axis in the base section. doing it this way should make make the order correct.
mode->pickobjects select axis in tip1 shift select axis in mid1 states->group deselect select axis in mid1 shift select axis in base1 states->group deselect select axis in base1 shift select object axis states->group deselect go back to group mode and check this out, and make very certain that theorder is right. click on the tip axis and it should be the only one blue. deslect it and click on the axis in the mid section BOTH it and tip axis should be highlighted. deslect them and click on the axis in base1 and all three axis should turn blue. now the hard part! go back to pick object mode and then click on the object axis. it should be blue with a yellow line connecting it to the base1 axis.
If none of the above is correct all progress is at a halt! go back remove all the groups and try it again this order is IMPORTANT!
now having that done correctly we can move on make sure nothing is selected and go back to pick group mode.
select axis in tip1 States->bones->subgroups bigsub: browse->tip1 smallsub: browse->tip1 OK select axis in mid1 States->bones->subgroups bigsub: browse->midall smallsub: browse->mid1 OK select axis in base1 States->bones->subgroups bigsub: browse->baseall smallsub: browse->base1 OK SAVE THAT SUCKER NOW!If you think about this it really makes sense what has happened at this point.
States->states create default select buttons shape and grouping, the book says this will be the only place you need to have this. OK States->states create start OK deselect all select axis tip1 and rotate in the x 30 degrees. space bar select entire object states->bones->update states->states create bendtip1 OK select axis in tip1 and rotate another 30 degrees in x. deslect all select axis in mid1 and rotate it in x 30 degrees. select entire object states->bones->update states->states->create midbend OK deslect all select axis in tip and rotate 30 degrees in x. select axis in mid and rotate 30 degrees in x. select axis in base and rotate 30 degrees in x. select entire object states->bones->update states->states->create basebend OK SAVE THIS AGAIN! to much work to loose.... States->stateanim->make OK start 15 bendtip 15 midbend 15 basebend 15 start 0 full objects states->stateanim->playThe object at this point is to set the proper order* Subject: Re: Lesk's Bones example * Date: Sun, 15 May 1994 11:40:22 -0700 [50] * From: Lesk@cc.snow.edu (Lesk)
mode->pickobjects select axis in tip1 shift select axis in mid1 states->group deselect select axis in mid1 shift select axis in base1 states->group deselect select axis in base1 shift select object axis states->group deselectHowever, you got it backwards ;^) When you're grouping axes, you state that you have to select tip1 + mid1, mid1+base1... It's the other way around. You need to group the object to Base1, then base1 to mid1, then mid1 to tip1. Only then do you get the proper heirarchy.
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