* Subject: Textures * Date: Thu, 16 Dec 93 22:37:16 [45] * From: greg.tsadilas@hofbbs.comNow make these changes to the Texture:BARK, MOUNTAIN RIVULETS, GRANITE, MARBLE EFFECTS -Use the WRINKLE texture for all these and more!
- Add default cylinder and CLOSE the TOP - Select the top edges of the cylinder and MAKE SHARP - Apply the WRINKLE texture and render. This will look like bark around the cylinder....play with the noise functions to adjust the look of the bark.
Column One Two ___ ___ 0.5 150 * This will look like the sides of a mountain around 0.5 150 the Cylinder. On the top of the cylinder it will 10.0 150 look like granite. 1.0 20 * When applied to organic object the vertical faces 0.5 50 will have the rivulets, the horizontal faces will 0.0 20 be granite-like. 0.0 0 1.0 0 * Try changing the first three variables in Column one to 10,10,1 respectively. The resulting look will make the cylinder look like a core sample around the cylinder, while the top of the cylinder will have a marble-like quality.-> Return to Alphabet <-